The 4 Controllables Method is a revolutionary training methodology helping you transform the way you think, act and exist.
In this groundbreaking approach to mental training & preparation, The 4 Controllables Method leverages the power of the present moment, accessed through self-awareness and concentration to strengthen self control, break through limiting beliefs and forge an iron mind of strength, endurance & adaptability.
Uniquely and of supreme importance, it does this through your actions.
Aligning with the principles of neuroplasticity, The 4 Controllables Method holds the incredible capacity to re-engineer the hardware of your brain, through the software of experience. In this groundbreaking training program, we learn to understand, train and control our mind, through exposure to our physical edges. We do this by self imposing stressful states on the body, therefore unveiling our mental stressors and training ourselves to negotiate the effects of that experience positively. Simple, not easy.

The greatest gift you'll ever be given.
Your vehicle to explore life &
The foundation in your journey
to Self - Actualisation.
What are you doing with your incredible hardware?

The mind is primary. Everything is created here first.
It can be your most powerful ally or
your most destructive enemy.
Learn how to control & direct it
to maximise your potential and
Transform your life.

There’s nothing mystical here.
Embody your beliefs. Train your values.
Deepen your character. Cultivate your witness.
Connect with your intuition & learn to trust it.
Expand your self awareness.

Align your life.
Become the master of your destiny
Thoughts to words, words to actions,
Actions to habits, habits to behaviour,
Behaviour to character,
Character to destiny.
The 4 Controllables Method is for you if:
β You are a competitive athlete within sports like crossfit, OCR, triatlon, ironmans, ultra running, rowing and you want to improve your performance in training and competition and gain an edge on your rivals.
β You play high level team sports however you perform inconsistently due to lack of understanding, awareness and structure in your mental preparation and application.
β You are an ambitious professional, driven within your training, sport, career, business and life who wants to forge an unbreakable mind and realise your full potential in all facets of life.
β You are a coach, PT, gym owner who wants to stand out among your peers in your offering while adding huge value to your clients by integrating a powerful mental process into your coaching.
β You thread The Warrior’s Path and have tasted the empowerment and growth of self imposed challenge and want to deepen your experience and rewards of that way of living
β You lack self discipline, self accountability and self control. You find yourself too easily manipulated by your impulses, derailed by your excuses, dealing with a rationalising mind sabotaging your growth.
β Your confidence is low, your self belief an illusion, genuine self respect a fantasy. These characteristics are built and expanded through compounding thoughts, actions, habits and behaviours. Align your shit from ‘the decisive moment’ and start to transform your relationship with yourself.
β You exist in a state of stress, anxiety, negativity, fearfulness, worry & doubt through a rarely recognised destructive internal dialogue and you profoundly desire to change this default mental state you have conditioned but don’t know where to start.
The 4 Controllables Method is NOT for you if:
β You are happy with mediocrity.
β You are looking for a quick fix, hack, shortcut, timesaving method.
β You fear success.
β The unexamined life is how you want to live.
β You don’t respect for your mental and physical health.
β You are content with a lack of progress in your life.

MODULE 1: βBefore We Start'
MODULE 2: The 2 Keys to Mental Strength & Resilience
MODULE 3: The 4 Controllables
MODULE 4: The Process
MODULE 5: βIntroductionβ
MODULE 6: The 5 Ws
MODULE 7: Coaching Notes
MODULE 8: Audio Preparatory Notes
MODULE 9: Behind The Scenes Video
MODULE 10: The 5th Controllable
MODULE 11: All Cues & Questions
MODULE 12: Private 4 Controllables Community
What is Neuroplasticity?
Neuroplasticity is the ability for neural networks in the brain and body to change in response to experience. Ranging from neural pathways making new connections to systematic adjustments, neuroplasticity is the incredible ability of the human nervous system to direct our own neural changes. Think of the changes as; something going from being very challenging and deliberately requiring a lot of effort and strain to it being reflexive. Examples of neuroplasticity include circuit and network changes that result from learning a new ability, environmental influences, practice, and psychological stress.
How does The 4 Controllables Method help you access Neuroplasticity and rewire your mind?
The adult brain can change in response to experience, but not all experiences will change the brain; in fact very few will. What we are attempting to change with The 4 Controllables Method, the decisions we make while under extreme physical and mental stress, is frankly, a very difficult pursuit. Hence why the rewards are so extraordinary and span so many levels of our experience of life; physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.
To access and initiate Neuroplasticity you must have certain conditions.
- An Awareness of what you are endeavouring to change or improve.
Step 1 of The 4 Controllables Method process; ‘Pre-Prepare Your Awareness’ we bring to the forefront of your awareness our specific focus for that training session and probable accompanying stress points with 2 guided rehearsal visualisations readying our awareness so we can make better decisions.
- Focused Attention & Sense of Agitation (Initiate the plasticity process)
Alongside Step 1: Pre-Prepare Your Awareness, Step 2 in The 4 Controllables Method: Cues & Questions prepares anchor statements or guiding questions to help you to dial in a deep concentration onto the action you are striving to improve.
- Sleep & deeply relaxed non-sleep states (when the rewiring occurs)
In Step 4 of The 4 Controllables Method process; ‘What Comes Up’ we ask you to record anything that came into your mind during your training into your training notebook. For us, this can be done intra-session; we find this is best for not losing that golden information that can often appear in your mind intra-effort and secondly, at least 20 minutes after the training session when your body and mind are in that state of deep relaxation post hard effort. Also, get a good night's sleep but that’s nothing to do with the method.
The 4 Controllables Method is a clearly defined process to help you redirect your mind to a neutral or positive state by learning to choose to concentrate on what is within your control no matter the level of physical and mental duress you are under.

Damian Browne is an extreme adventurer, peak performance athlete and ex - professional rugby union player. Damian has achievements in a broad range of diverse physical endeavours including, winning the Heineken Cup with Lenister in 2012, multi-time Irish indoor rowing champion, holding all-time, all-category records for the 500m and 1000m distances, completing the 257km ‘toughest foot race on earth’, The Marathon des Sables, rowing solo and unsupported, 5000km across the Atlantic Ocean and has currently summited 5 of the peaks in the renowned mountaineering feat, The 7 Summits.
He says, as an extreme adventurer & athlete, I have taken on an array of the world’s hardest challenges, continually exposing myself to toil, hardship and suffering for personal evolution and extraordinary experiences. With a constant eye on improving my method to continually achieve the remarkable in a wide range of disciplines.
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